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#1. How is theTeenagers' use of social networking sites for intimacy, privacy and self-expression affecting the lifestyle of the youths today?

 The explosion in social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook, Bebo and Friendster is widely regarded as an exciting opportunity, especially for youth.Yet the public response tends to be one of puzzled dismay regarding a generation that, supposedly, has many friends but little sense of privacy and a narcissistic fascination with self-display. Teenagers' practices of social networking has some connections between online opportunity and risk. While younger teenagers relish the opportunities to recreate continuously a highly-decorated, stylistically-elaborate identity, older teenagers favour a plain aesthetic that foregrounds their links to others, thus expressing a notion of identity lived through authentic relationships.However, teenagers' graded conception of `friends' with the binary classification of social networking sites, this being one of several means by which online privacy is shaped and undermined by the affordances of these sites.

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#2 Social networking sites a tool among international students .

How do social media facilitate adjustment to changes in social structure and culture? This research examines the impact of online social networking on online and offline social capitals and adjustment of international students in the United States. A survey of 195 international students in a major Midwestern university showed that students’ interactions with Americans and home country friends using Facebook, extroversion, and horizontal collectivism were positively related to international students’ social adjustment and online bridging capital. Facebook usage mediated the relationship between extroversion and online social capital. The implications of social network site use, personality, and cultural difference on 

social capital and adjustment are discussed. 

more updates in the next articles... stay tunned 




I only noticed on the TV, cinemas, movies where animals talk. Most times I wonder if it were real then it might be possible for them to cook foods as well and maybe buy cars and build houses with bricks and mortar. A hen hatched 12 chicks and lost five of them in two weeks, what a careless mother one might wonder!! What happens when you call such a hen careless mother and it turns to you and maybe stare at you for some time and say GET LOST BUDDY.. wonders may not cease. The truth is that they do not burry their dead so they do not bother about digging of graves, provision of coffins and maybe funerals. Animals do not talk, they only make sounds like meew, baah, woo, hish and intonations mostly body languages are their most form of communication

#4 Sweet Things To Say To Your Girlfriend: 3 Sweet Lines
Girls love hearing sweet things from their boyfriends. As a boyfriend, it is your duty to keep your girl happy and secure. To do this, you have to know what sweet things to say to your girlfriend to make her fall even more in love with you.

It doesn't matter whether you're just starting out, or have been in a relationship for years. What matters is that you always shower your girlfriend with romantic compliments that melt her heart.

In fact, here are some sweet things to say to your girlfriend to help make you mean the world to her!

1) How did I get so lucky?

Of course, you just don't say this as if you're bewildered. One of the most important factors to consider when coming up with sweet things to say to your girlfriend is how you're going to say it. This line, in particular, should be uttered with utmost affection.

2) I don't think I can ever get enough of you.

Some girls might feel a little insecure ever now and then. These things come and go. As a sweet boyfriend, you should be able to make her realize that she doesn't have to feel insecure.

3) I will always love you.

This can also be as direct and as simple as you want. This line is a favorite because it speaks of "I love you" on a whole new level. By saying these words, you're pledging yourself to her, and there's something universally romantic about that.

There are more sweet things to say to your girlfriend that you can figure out yourself as time goes by. Just remember to mean what you say and be sincere about it.
Even the simplest words go a long way when said with true affection

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